New Balance Shoes Help Minimize Foot Problems
Uniquely designed to help foot-related problems such as: Achilles Tendonitis, Bunions, Diabetes, Flat Feet, IT Band Syndrome, Morton’s Neuroma, Over/Under Pronation, Plantar Fasciitis and Shin Splints.
New Balance shoes are built with biomechanics that help relieve many foot issues. ABZORB technology provides midfoot cushioning to keep heels cushioned and supportive. Many New Balance shoes have removable footbeds to accommodate custom orthotics and come in multiple widths to fit a variety of foot sizes. New Balance also offers a large selection of shoes for people with diabetes, where a properly fitted shoe is key to overall foot health.
At Lucky Feet Shoes, our trained pedorthists are New Balance Pro Care Fit Specialist. They have extensive knowledge of the features and benefits of New Balance shoes, as well as foot anatomy and biomechanics. Performance runner or an avid walker, we’ll fit you with the best New Balance shoes to meet your needs!
New Balance Shoes for Comfort Walking and Running
Since the days of selling arch supports to police officers and waiters, New Balance has been concerned with meeting the needs of the everyday athlete. All feet pronate when in motion, either inward or outward. Identifying where your feet fall on the pronation spectrum will determine whether you need neutral, stability, or motion control shoes. New Balance shoes offer a choice of pronation styles.
- Neutral—For feet that roll outward (supinating) and/or have high arches.
- Stability—For feet that roll inward (overpronating) and/or average arch height.
- Motion Control—For severe overpronation and/or flat feet.