Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz
Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz
Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz
Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz
Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz

Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz


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Arcopedico Damen LS Schwarz 1151-01

Dieser Arcopedico LS gehört zu den leichtesten Schuhen, die je hergestellt wurden. Ein bequemer Schnürschuh mit gestricktem Nylon-Obermaterial, das sich dem Fuß anpasst, einem Doppelgewölbestützsystem und einer biologisch abbaubaren, rutschfesten PU-Sohle. Die herausnehmbare Innensohle bietet hervorragende Stützeigenschaften und ist gut gepolstert, sodass Sie sie den ganzen Tag über gut tragen können. All das ergibt einen Schuh, der sich hervorragend zum Reisen oder ganztägigen Tragen überall eignet.

Diese Schuhe bieten Komfort für Menschen, die unter Ballenzehen, Plantarfasziitis, Metatarsalgie, Fersensporn oder anderen Arten von Fußschmerzen wie Fersen-, Fußgewölbe-, Fußballen-, Knie- oder Rückenschmerzen leiden.

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Lucky Feet Schuhe
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3170 Chicago Ave
Riverside, CA 92507

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Linda Denmark
Very happy!

I love my new Arcopedico shoes!! They are very very comfortable and totally support my feet in all of the right places. Thank you for a great pair of shoes!

These shoes are a life saver

Feels like since I turned 50 (5 years ago) I'm having pain in one thing after another. Lately it has been my feet. Nothing is helping and it takes forever to get in to see the doctor. That lead me to this site trying to find shoes that would maybe help me deal with the pain even a little bit. I received my shoes a couple of days ago and used them all day yesterday around the house. My feet didn't hurt at all. Even after I took off the shoes, my feet felt better than normal. Usually I can't stand to keep my shoes on all day but yesterday was different. These are so comfortable I forgot I was wearing shoes. I am so impressed with these shoes I bought the other two colors a few minutes ago. They have great heel and arch support. The insole is comfortable. The only down side is the area by the toes is not as soft as the rest of the insole. It doesn't really bother me at least not at this point. I'll have to spend a few hours on my feet to see how they will be.


I bought these for my mom as she has very sensitive skin on her feet. I read that these shoes have no seams and are very comfortable. My mom loves them! She wears them all the time, I will be buying her all the colors!